Index Pages

Sadly, unlike all of the other demo pages on this website, I can't show you a live example of an Index page on this site. That's because Index pages are only available with certain templates, and this template (Five) doesn't have them.

Index pages are a lot like Folders, like the VIEW DEMOS folder or the GET HELP folder you see in the main navigation on this website. That is, they are collections of pages that are clustered together. The difference is that Indexes display the subpages in a visual way: either as a long scrolling page, or as a grid in which each square on the grid links to a different subpage.

Here are some examples of Indexes on a few different templates:

Long scrolling page: Pacific Template

Each section of white background / image background is a different page within the Index.

See an example: Homepage on Miko's Squarespace portfolio site

Once you're there, notice how the menu at the top allows you to navigate up/down the long scrolling page to jump to different subpages within the Index.


Long scrolling page with parallax effect: Marquee Template

Each section of white background / image background is a different page within the Index.

See an example: Homepage on Marquee demo site

Notice the little navigational dots on the right-hand side of the page: these dots navigate up and down, to different pages within the Index.

Grid of images: Avenue Template

The homepage on this demo site is an Index.

Homepage on Avenue demo site

Make sure you click on a homepage square to visit a subpage of the Index. Pay attention to how the Index subpages can be navigated through, once you are on that page.

Grid of images: Flatiron Demo

The homepage on this demo site is an Index.

Homepage on Flatiron demo site

Make sure you click on a homepage square to visit a subpage of the Index. Pay attention to how the Index subpages can be navigated through, once you are on that page.

To see the full list of templates that offer Indexes, and to see how they are displayed, check out the comparison chart linked from the Templates page on this website.